Category: Design

Web Fusion
Create Simple, Secure & Superior WordPress Website

Are you looking for robust solutions for your business? WordPress is one of the simple approaches to make your business site ranging from small to

Web Fusion
Usability Testing for Conversion and How usability impacts profit

Ease of use is identified with consumer loyalty and dedication and in this manner directly affects benefit. However, awful convenience is rich, particularly on E-business

James Pikover
Usability Testing for Conversion: Stop Following Trends, Start Using Data

When it comes to designing a product, designers are looking for the best solution to ensure a product meets the needs of the user as

James Pikover
What Game UX Can Teach Us About Product Design

In 2017, video games became a hundred billion dollar market. After acquiring Twitch for a billion dollars back in 2014, (now with more than 100

James Pikover
5 Clear Signs That You Should Hire a UX Expert

UX covers all aspects of a system (website, app, product, service, community, etc.) as experienced by users. Great UX design can mean the difference between

Web Fusion
UX Tips For Website Redesign To Improve Online Business Leads

User experience has an underlying power that makes things work. In fact, an outstanding UX design is the one that has a covert quality to

Web Fusion
7 Effective Ways To Optimize Your Website For Lead Generation

A great product or service may be out there in the market, but what if it has not been marketed well. No matter how great

Web Fusion
Design Thinking – An approach every Web or App Designer should own

Design thinking is all about coming up with an idea wherein a human centered design approach is practiced to solve problems, allowing people to be

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